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Glaucoma occurs as a result of damage to the optic nerve which causes progressive loss of vision. The main function of the optic nerve is the transmission of images to the human brain. Characteristics of this Condition This condition is characterized by the gradual impairment of vision especially side vision which erodes the ability of […]

The role of optometrists in our overall health care

The role of optometrists in our overall health care Optometrists are independent primary health care providers that are on the front line of vision health. Among the main roles of optometrists are: • Examination, diagnosis, management, treatment and prevention of disorders, problems and diseases of the visual system, as well as associated structures. • Diagnosing […]

Safety eyewear

Safety glasses are a special kind of glasses designed to provide extra protection to your eyes from flying objects. Safety glasses are different from ordinary glasses in their build and design. Safety glasses should have lenses that are CSA certified and meet the criteria for impact resistance. These lenses should be made from polycarbonate or […]

What you need to know about Laser Vision Correction

Laser vision correction Laser Vision Correction refers to any laser surgical procedure used to correct vision problems such as farsightedness, nearsightedness, presbyopia and astigmatism. This procedure is meant to help one reduce their dependence on prescription glasses. Laser vision correction is currently the most popular refractive surgical procedure in North America.  Refractive surgery is divided […]

What you need to know about Blepharitis

Blepharitis  Blepharitis is a condition that involves inflammation of the eyelids. This inflammation causes the eyelids to become red and irritated, with dandruff-like scales forming on the eyelashes. This condition is quite common among people of all ages. Blepharitis is mainly caused by bacteria or an existing skin condition such as seborrheic dermatitis, ocular rosacea […]

Three Key Things Everyone Should Know About eye Floaters

Eye floaters are tiny spots/specks that appear in one’s field of vision. These are especially noticeable when one looks at a bright background such as the sky. Even though these floaters do not interfere with sight in most cases, they can be really annoying. There is a lot to be known about floaters. Here are […]

What is a retinal detachment and what are potential complications?

One common eye emergency that requires immediate assessment and treatment to prevent vision loss is a Retinal Detachment. The retina is the light sensitive layer of tissue in the eye; its role is to send visual messages from the optic nerve to the brain. It is a crucial component of the bodies central nervous system. […]

The importance of protective Eyewear

Every day, an estimated 2,000 workers in North America sustain eye injuries while at work. This figure translates to about $300 million lost each year to medical expenses, lost production time and worker compensation. Most workers do not consider eye protection a crucial component of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). According to safety experts, eye protection […]

When To See An Eye Doctor For Shingles?

Shingles is a painful viral disease that can affect any adult, particularly those over 60, who has had chicken pox. Chances are, you’ve had chicken pox. One million Americans develop shingles every year. Shingles can form anywhere on the body, but the second most common place it appears is on the face, either around one […]

What Is Retinal Detachment?

Retinal detachment refers to an eye condition in which the retina is separated from the surrounding tissue. As a result, the retina cannot function properly, leading to loss of vision if not treated early. What are the main symptoms? Patients with retinal detachment don’t suffer pain or experience any special symptoms until the disease becomesserious. […]